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Dukes Neurosurgery and Specialist Hospital Ltd

Provide Information on Services

Patient Arrives at Hospital


  1. Private Patient Registration
  2. Collect Personal Details
  3. Direct to Waiting Area
  4. Collect Payment
  5. Vitals Taken by the Nurses


  1. Insurance Patient Registration
  2. Collect Personal Details
  3. Verify Insurance Information
  4. Direct to Waiting Area
  5. Vitals Taken by the Nurses

Diagnostic Tests

Consultation with the Specialist/Doctor


  1. Schedule Tests/Procedures
  2. Arrange Date/Time
  3. Provide Preparation Instructions 


  1. Doctor Prescribes Treatment Plan
  2. Doctor Provides Prescription or Treatment Plan to Patient
  3. Patient Proceeds to Pharmacy for Medications (If Prescribed)
  4. Pharmacist Dispenses Medications and Provides Instructions
  5. Patient Receives Discharge Summary and Follow-up Instructions 

Patient Makes Follow-up Appointment

(If Required)


  1. Admit to Inpatient Ward
  2. Complete Admission Procedures 
  3. Assign Room/Bed
  4. Begin Treatment Plan


  1. Provide Discharge Instructions
  2. Set Follow-Up Appointments
  3. Arrange Transportation (if needed)
  4. Handle Billing/Insurance Settlement
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